For Mac Eyes Only – “It’s Snowtime!”

Episode #136

Thanks to Connor J for this episode’s show title!

This week on For Mac Eyes Only: Mike is joined by Gary, Dan, Barry and Pam of Team FMEO to discuss Snow Leopard’s release, what we love about it, as well as what’s maybe not so great about Apple’s latest big cat.

> Seattle Xcoders
> MacBreak #235 on Snowy’s Services
> MacBites Podcast
> BusyCal
> 1Password
> Pastor
> Cyberduck
> Yahoo! Widgets (née Konfabulator)
> OS X Cat Names

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Question: Richard’s Snow Leopard Internet Sharing Problems

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> dan AT
> gazmaz AT
> barry AT
> pam AT
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FMEO-136-083109 (1:33’09, 44.7MB)


  1. I'm going to upgrade soon but hold on just for a couple days more right now as it's back to school time.

  2. Hi Mike,

    so I checked everything and the Box Set was the best decision to get the OS upgrade as well the new iLife version and my missing piece iWork all at the same time.

    My question is now … is there any particular order I need to follow with installing the new OS and iLife and iWork 09?

    Thanks for your input.

  3. Mike, ESC!Cast Network says

    I don't think there's any particular order. The boxed set may have a master installer to take you through the process, but if not, I'd probably install the suites first and then the OS.

  4. Everything went smooth and I had almost 20GB more disk space after the upgrade.

  5. After only a couple days of testing I have to say I love Snow Leopard. Disk space savings and speed are the two most visible and important points to me that I can find.

    But I also ran into two minor problems so far. 1. my Epson printer is no longer working which is really not a good thing being back to school and no update out yet. 2. the system (start-up) volume is really loud and even changing it back to a low level doesn't help as it gets back up at every start-up again.

    Thought I share some of my Snowy experiences with you guys.

  6. Most Epson printers did get an update and are working again. If yours is like mine you'll have to install Rosetta to make the printer work again.