More to Come Soon!

If you’re seeing this post, it’s because we don’t have any current content loaded up in this section yet.  Sorry about that.

But please enjoy some of our older posts, and do be sure to check back soon because we’ve only just launched the all new and we’re working hard to bring you fresh posts all throughout the site including; news, reviews, and even an opinion or two.

In the mean time, feel free to browse around and let us know what you think!  And don’t forget to subscribe to the weekly podcast via iTunes for fresh Mac and Apple news each week along with tips, tricks, and answers to listener questions.

Thanks for listening!


FMEO Quick Tips are Moving to a New Home!

FMEO Quick Tips are on the move … to Mondays!

Watch your feeds for our next Quick Tip that’s headed your way this Monday, October 18th.

Talk to you then!


FMEO News Update: Security Update 2010-005

The hazards of releasing FMEO a day earlier than normal!

Apple released a big security update late yesterday afternoon dubbed Security Update 2010-005.

The 81MB update for Snow Leopard (212MB for Leopard!) contains several important fixes to improve your Mac’s security.

These updates include:

  • A CoreGraphics patch to close the potential malicious PDF exploit in Preview.
  • Additional packet inspection to help prevent denial of service exploits in Samba.
  • PHP updated to 5.3.2 to close several security holes in 5.3.1.
  • Apple Type Services (ATS) has improved bounds checking to protect against documents containing maliciously crafted fonts.
  • Anonymous TLS/SSL connections are now disabled to help protect against “man in the middle” attacks.
  • Improved handling of Certificate Host Names in libsecurity, and the update also includes an update to ClamAV for OS X Server to close known security vulnerabilities.

Security Update 2010-005 can be downloaded for Leopard Client and Server as well as Snow Leopard Client and Server via Software Update or can be downloaded directly from Apple’s support site using the links below:

> UPDATE: Security Update 2010-005 for Leopard Client / Server
> UPDATE: Security Update 2010-005 for Snow Leopard Client / Server


FMEO.TV – “A First Look at Apple’s Magic Mouse”

FMEO.TV Episode #001

In this episode of FMEO.TV, Mike compares the new Apple Magic Mouse to the Mighty Mouse, takes a look at the options available for the new mouse, and steps through a few quick demos to show you what it can do for you as well as what it can’t.

Subscribe to our Podcast Feed or
Download the episode here!

Running Time: 25:08

FMEO Show Errors?

8/21 UPDATE: The issues with the show seem to be mostly resolved now. “Lyrics” are still stripped from the download, but that’s being worked on as I type this.

Hey Everyone,

I’m getting word that some listeners are experiencing trouble with the show recently such as incorrect timing in iTunes and missing show notes in the “lyrics” field – something iPhone and iPod Touch users look for.

While I try to figure out what the heck is going on, I wanted to make fresh copies of each available for you to download should you care to.

I apologize for any inconvenience and am working to find the source of the problem.

Until then, please enjoy this archive of episodes 133 and 134 that should play properly as well as include the missing show notes.

Download: Episode 133 and 134 Archive (56.8MB)


Review: Toon Boom Studio 4.5

For as long as I can remember, one of my “life’s goals” has been to write, direct and produce my own animated short. No doubt countless hours plopped in front of the television every Saturday morning as a young boy watching cartoons directed by the all time greats in animation such as Ollie Johnston, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, Walter Lantz, William Hanna and Joseph Barbara, and Tex Avery contributed in no small way to my dreams. These men could take an ordinary pencil sketch and make you believe it’s a living, breathing, creature by painstakingly creating anywhere from 12-24 individual drawings for every second of animation the audience would see on screen. And, at each step along the way, these drawings would be further brought to life by teams of in-betweeners, inkers, painters, background artists, editors . . . to say it was painstaking work would be an understatement.

But there’s a lot more to producing an animated short than simply understanding the physical challenges in doing so. There’s also this little thing called “talent” that comes into play, and I’m afraid without it, the best most of us can do is a stick-figure flip book. Now “Talent” is one of those umbrella words that encompasses a wide range of aptitudes such as an innate sense of comic timing, a natural artistic bent, an eye for staging and choreography and, of course, years of schooling. And while a package such as Toon Boom Studio can’t help foster the Super Genius within you, it can take away the need to worry about the technical side of things as you work to hone your other skills. [Read more…]

RDC Licensing and the Mac

Unlike Windows users, Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection Client for the Mac requires the purchase of a license (a TS CAL) for the Mac user to connect to a Windows Server. Without one, a temporary license (90 days) will be assigned.

Unfortunately, whether you have a proper TS CAL or not, the license information on the Mac needs to be reset from time to time. And in the first version of Microsoft’s client for OS X, this could be done easily by removing the contents of the folder:

/Users/Shared/Microsoft/RDC Crucial Server Information/

This process is detailed in Microsoft’s Knowledge Base article, 187614 (link)

When the old licensing information is removed, the Remote Desktop Connection client software will request a new one. Simple as that.

BUT, with the 2.0 release of the RDC Client, something broke and removing the licenses from a Mac client no longer worked. So that meant continuing to use the, older, buggier 1.0 release OR … well, there is no “or” because the client would just stop working with the error message, “You were disconnected from the Windows-based computer because of problems during the licensing protocol.”

So what to do?

Well, it turns out that – for me anyway – all I needed to do was remove the client license as before, but then first run the 1.0 client to connect to the server. After the 1.0 client established the connection and set up the new license, the 2.0 client would continue working again. If you try to run the 2.0 client first, the connection will fail and you’ll need to reset the license once again.

The downfall to this solution is that I need to keep the older client installed just for the odd occasion that I need to reset the license. The good news is that this process fixes, the less buggy 2.0 client too!

Republished from ESC!Webs Blogitorials, July 2009

For Mac Eyes Only – “Mac Curious – The Missing Links”

Episode 129 – Editorial Links

Whoops! In getting the show note links added to the post on Monday, I completely left off the links for folks looking for more information on switching to a Mac.

Here they are:

> Apple Store’s Personal Shopping
> Apple’s Store Locator
> Find a local Apple User Group
> Switch 101 – Migrating to a Mac
> Find Out How – Video Tutorials

For anyone contemplating making the switch to a Mac, the links above are all excellent resources to check out.


For Mac Eyes Only Reviews and Views – "WeatherCal"

Review #006

This week Gary and Mike review WeatherCal by Bare Bones Software.

WeatherCal 1.0 – $10


System Requirements:
OS X 10.5+, Universal application

Mike’s Rating: 4 Macs

Gary’s Rating: 3 Macs

FMEO Overall Rating:

Links to Know:
> Organized Dashboard Widget by iSlayer
> Weather Underground

Subscribe to our Podcast Feed or
Download the show here!

Play Now:

FMEO-RAV006-052509 (28’44, 26.4MB, 64kbps)

For Mac Eyes Only Reviews and Views – "Vector Tanks"

Review #005

This week Gary brings us back to his early pub days when he takes a look at Peter Hirschberg’s BattleZone inspired, Vector Tanks for the iPhone or iPod Touch.

Vector Tanks – $2.99

> iTunes Store: Link

System Requirements:
iPhone or iPod Touch with iPhone 2.2 Software Update

FMEO Rating:

Subscribe to our Podcast Feed or
Download the show here!

Play Now:

FMEO-RAV005-041009 (6’46, 3.2MB, 64kbps)